We have had a very relaxing week and I have enjoyed every minute of it! We got back from the mountains on Monday and loved spending time with Eric's family, can't wait until next year to do it again! All I have to say is Cranium and a LOT of alcohol made for a very entertaining evening! Macyn did not sleep AT ALL while we were on vacation, which obviously means that Mom and Dad got no sleep either. I usually take tons of pictures, but I was so sleep deprived that I forgot, I'll post the few that I have.
Macyn has started talking so much this week. I feel like I need to follow behind her with a tape recorder because I can't remember everything that she is saying. Here are a few of the funny things that have been coming out of her sweet little mouth...
"Wuv you Mommy"
"Stinky butt" not too proud of that one :)
"Siwwy mommy" (silly mommy)
"Sadie, where are you"

Ok...I LOVE the tutu!!! What a cutie patoodie!! She looks like she is trying to act bashful in that picture :o) Her little pig tails are precious! The popsicle looks delicious...I bet she was a sticky lil' girl and loved every minute of it!!
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