Well, I'm not the least bit surprised that Macyn was completely traumatized by Santa this year. Eric and I had been talking to her ALL week that Santa was coming to play group this morning. She even told us that she was going to tell him that she wanted a "surprise" and a baby doll for Christmas. As soon as Santa walks in the door, she literally climbs up Eric and held on for dear life. I think I definitely win the award for "Bad Mom of the Day" b/c I still wanted her to sit on his lap...gotta get the pictures!!! Here are the pictures from Macyn's last three visits with Santa...please don't think badly of me :)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
3 Years in a Row....
Posted by Ashley at 11:30 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
So much to be thankful for
Lots of fun and family for our Thanksgiving this year! Eric and I are so blessed to have our families get together every year for turkey day!!! I have never seen so much food, and I have NEVER eaten so much food...I think I'm still full today! Here are some pictures from our wonderful day. Now it's time for my most favorite holiday...CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Ashley at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Seen and Heard...
For all of the Mommy's and Daddy's reading this,(well, I think the only Daddy reading this blog is Eric) I'm sure you have had these moments... The past few days, I have heard Macyn say some of the funniest things that have literally brought me to my knees in laughter and tears!!! Just thought I would share some of Macyn's funny moments.
We were driving down the road and passed Teeki's house(Eric's Mom) and Macyn said,
"Teeki lives in a BIG HOUSE" and then a few minutes later we pulled into our driveway and she said, "Mommy, this a VERY LITTLE house!" *Thanks for the reminder Macyn :)
We were all sitting in the floor in her room playing and she said, "bye guys!" and then a few minutes later she said, "bye Ash!!!" How funny is that?
Sadie was eating her dinner and M leaned over her and said to Sadie, "I'm so proud of you!!!"
Last one I promise...I was putting her to bed tonight and we were saying our prayers and Thanking God for the IMPORTANT people and things in our life and Macyn stopped me and said, "Thank you Jesus for Mac and Cheese."
God Bless that sweet little girl!
Posted by Ashley at 5:38 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
The next American Idol!
Teeki and Big Daddy took Macyn to the zoo on Sunday, and on the ride back Macyn decided she wanted to sing songs...actually just one(over and over) She kept saying,"Twinkle,Twinkle Mommy!!!" Laurie captured it on video and I think it's hilarious!!! Please ignore my terrible voice that you hear in the back ground...seriously, it's BAD!
Posted by Ashley at 12:51 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
After 7 years...
He STILL CRACKS ME UP!!!!!! Eric and I had a costume party to go to on Halloween and of course I was clueless as what to be...but NOT Eric. He knew exactly who he wanted to be, Sheriff J. Dangle from Reno 911! He kept it a secret from me until Halloween night. My mom and I were sitting in the living room and in walks Eric. I was literally on the floor laughing and my sweet and innocent mom sat there with her eye balls about to pop out of her head and her hand over mouth. She had no idea who "J. Dangle" was and she asked Eric if they ran out of LARGER sizes at the costume store!!! She kept laughing all night and kept whispering to me, "Is he really going out like that?" We had a great time at the party, the boys brought out Wii bowling(are we getting old or what??? and I got a really great picture of Eric "bowling" and showing off his great form! I hope everyone had a very Happy Halloween!
Posted by Ashley at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Halloween
Just a quick post to wish everyone a very Happy Halloween! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, been SUPER busy! Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. Macyn and Mommy have LOVED having Daddy home with us while he recovers from surgery, we've done LOTS of fun things!!! We were sad to have him go back to work on Monday. On Monday morning, when I went to get Macyn out of the crib, the first thing she said to me was,"Check on Daddy!" She ran into our room and climbed up on the bed and screamed, "Daddy, where are you?"
As for Halloween, Macyn didn't want to "cut" the pumpkin, she wanted to color it...so of course the princess gets what she wants...but you will see from the pics, she wasn't happy with this either. Oh well, we'll try again next year! I'll post pics this weekend of Macyn in her costume and the ATTEMPT at trick-or-treating! Have a wonderful weekend!
Posted by Ashley at 7:31 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Quick update...
I just wanted to give everyone an update on Eric and his recovery from back surgery! He is 3 weeks and 1 day out and he is doing better and better everyday! The first couple of weeks were very hard for him, but he was such a good patient!!!! I think the hardest part for Eric was not being able to pick up Macyn. Once he explained to her several times that Daddy had a Boo-Boo on his back, she wanted to hold his hand EVERYWHERE they went(even the short distance from the kitchen to the living room) Macyn also put several Hello Kitty and My Little Pony "Boo-Boo Band-Aids" on his back! Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers, they have been GREATLY appreciated!!!
Here are some random pics that I've taken over the past few weeks!
Posted by Ashley at 6:18 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Just had to share...
Sorry no pictures with this post, I've been a little slack with the camera. I wanted to share with you something that Macyn said to me the other day that ABSOLUTELY melted my heart! My sweet child is NOT a morning person(just like her Daddy) and she was lounging on the couch watching TV and all of the sudden she started crying...I ran to see what was wrong and in the sweetest voice I have ever heard, she said,"Mommy, I want to cuddle!!!" Oh my gosh,I cried like a baby and cuddled with her for the next hour! Right there in that moment I fell in love with her ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!
Posted by Ashley at 7:43 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Best buddies!!!
Sadie, our "first baby" has become Macyn's best friend! Every morning when I go into Macyn's room, her very first words are ALWAYS, "Sadie, where are you?" The day continues with Macyn sharing her breakfast with Sadie, "trying" to put a diaper on her and then crawling under the dining room table and reading books to Sadie! Last week, I couldn't find either of them...I admit, I started to panic a little and then I heard Macyn's signature squeal! I found them under the table and Macyn was covering her new BFF with baby powder! Poor Sadie, she is such a trooper! Here are a few pics before Sadie was covered in powder.
Posted by Ashley at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Not so shy anymore!
Macyn had her Open House last night and she got to see her "big girl" classroom and meet her new teacher, Ms.Jeanna! My sweet child who is usually stuck to my leg and saying "Hold you peas mommy" over and over, ran to the rug and immediately dumped out the blocks!!! I was so proud of her for being such a big girl, but at the same time I missed her wanting me to hold her tightly. Eric couldn't come tonight, he had to have a yucky MRI, so Teeki went with us! Here are some pictures from tonight. I will post more next wek from her official "first" day of school.
Posted by Ashley at 10:47 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
It's been a while.
Hey everybody! Sorry that it's been so long since my last post, we've been busy around here! For those of you who didn't know, we have recently put our house on the market!?!? What were we thinking??? Now I have to make sure my house is spotless everyday and that is NOT EASY for us! Eric and I have come to the realization that our house is NEVER going to be clean like our parents house...we don't even make our bed!!! Eric is going to be so mad that I just posted that little secret! Between house showings, birthday parties, open houses, trips to Chuck E Cheese, children's museum w/ the Hitchcock's and ATTEMPTING to potty train Macyn-here are some pictures that I have taken!
Oh yeah, Macyn starts school on Friday, so please say a little prayer for her day to go well! I hope everyone has a wonderful long holiday weekend!
Posted by Ashley at 10:28 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Not much going on here...
We have had a very relaxing week and I have enjoyed every minute of it! We got back from the mountains on Monday and loved spending time with Eric's family, can't wait until next year to do it again! All I have to say is Cranium and a LOT of alcohol made for a very entertaining evening! Macyn did not sleep AT ALL while we were on vacation, which obviously means that Mom and Dad got no sleep either. I usually take tons of pictures, but I was so sleep deprived that I forgot, I'll post the few that I have.
Macyn has started talking so much this week. I feel like I need to follow behind her with a tape recorder because I can't remember everything that she is saying. Here are a few of the funny things that have been coming out of her sweet little mouth...
"Wuv you Mommy"
"Stinky butt" not too proud of that one :)
"Siwwy mommy" (silly mommy)
"Sadie, where are you"

Posted by Ashley at 12:28 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Munchkin!
I am EXHAUSTED!!! We have been celebrating Macyn's birthday ALL week! Eric and I can't believe that our baby girl is two. Both of our Mom's kept telling us that the "time just flies" when you have kids and as much as I hate to admit it...they are right! It seems like yesterday that Maycn was doing her "kick-stand" crawl all over the house and now she is such a big girl!
Her birthday party was great, it looked like Christmas morning, she got so many wonderful presents...books of course, kitchen stove/sink, high-chair, doctor kit, cash register, lap-top and much, much more! I told Eric that we need a new house just for her toys! Thanks to everyone who helped make Macyn's birthday so very special. Here are some pics form her birthday week, I don't have many from the actual party, Eric accidentally deleted ALL of the pictures...which I am still trying to get over!Sorry for the smaller pics, I can't figure out how to make them bigger!
Posted by Ashley at 11:17 AM 1 comments