Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Munchkin!
I am EXHAUSTED!!! We have been celebrating Macyn's birthday ALL week! Eric and I can't believe that our baby girl is two. Both of our Mom's kept telling us that the "time just flies" when you have kids and as much as I hate to admit it...they are right! It seems like yesterday that Maycn was doing her "kick-stand" crawl all over the house and now she is such a big girl!
Her birthday party was great, it looked like Christmas morning, she got so many wonderful presents...books of course, kitchen stove/sink, high-chair, doctor kit, cash register, lap-top and much, much more! I told Eric that we need a new house just for her toys! Thanks to everyone who helped make Macyn's birthday so very special. Here are some pics form her birthday week, I don't have many from the actual party, Eric accidentally deleted ALL of the pictures...which I am still trying to get over!Sorry for the smaller pics, I can't figure out how to make them bigger!
Posted by Ashley at 11:17 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Busy, busy, busy!!!
It has been a crazy couple of weeks for the Clark family! We have been planning Macyn's 2nd birthday party, celebrating the 4th of July with friends, and taking my BIG girl to the dentist for the first time. Eric and I constantly talk about how "our little girl" is growing up so fast! We are amazed and truly thankful every day that God has given Macyn to us! Her feisty, spunky, spirited personality continues to show itself everyday(not always at the best times though!) She is growing more and m ore everyday and we fall more in love with her as each day passes. Here are a few pictures that we took over the holiday weekend!

Posted by Ashley at 12:51 PM 0 comments